HiTech Computer Services -BusinessClouds.in - Cloud Software Solution Provider
Business Cloud Apps
Web App on cloud for management, billing, accounting for your business niche like shop, hotel, hospital, petrol pump, medical store and many more.
This App is Mobile Friendly - Runs fully on Mobile PC friendly MS SQL Server Database & App   Runs from your Android Mobile and PC Browser

Our Cloud App Servers for specific business

For this mobile based app you do not need computer. Your data is resident on web. You can access this app from mobile or browser PC. No data is stored on the mobile. The Web App and data is resident on Windows Server with your own SQL server database. You will also get a subdomain and email address atbusinesscouds.in like yourbusiness . business clouds.in. You can opt for one or more company accounts as per the hosting plan you will select at the time of Signup. Try now for your business. Click on the tabs buttons to see more details. You can also download the Android APK file for mobile
Petrol Pump
Auto Dealer

All functions for managing your petrol pump are integrated in this App. You can create Fuel and other products Bills. You can setupTanks and nozzles and enter daily reading of nozzles. All details of work shift by cash collection and credit sales is available. You can create customer accounts with vehicle numbers for credit sales. There are also Reports and Accounts module for complete management of petrol pump.

This cloud app is specifically designed for requirements of a Petrol Pump, CNG Station, Diesel Bunk and has all functions for managing the business.

With this App for management of your nursing home, hospital or clinic you can record Outdoor, Indoor Patients, Create OPD Prescriptions, manage Patient Admission and Discharge. Accounting module is also included.

This cloud app is specifically designed for requirements of a Hospital, Nursing Home, Clinic of Doctor and has all functions for managing the business.

With this app for Hotel Management you can manage rooms, Check In, Checkout and housekeeping. You can also manage restaurant KOT and bills and Food Menu with prices. All visitor records and ID details are available in the database. Account module is included and Outstanding Bills report is lso provided.

This cloud app is specifically designed for requirements of a Hotel, Motel, Guest House, Resort and has all functions for managing the business.

With this App for Accounting you can easily create sales bills, enter purchases, control stock, create accounts heads and vouchers, Payments and Receipts. You will be able to see Sales Book, Purchase Book, Nominal Ledger, Journal, Accounts Receivales, Payables and Trial Balance. Accounting module is also included.

This cloud app is specifically designed for requirements of a Supermarket Shop, Showroom for Billing, Inventory and has all functions for managing the business.

With this App for Accounting you can easily create accounts heads and vouchers, Payments and Receipts. You will be able to see Nominal Ledger, Journal, Accounts Receivales, Payables and Trial Balance. Accounting module is also included.

This cloud app is specifically designed for requirements of a Business Houses for Accounting and has all accounts functions for managing the business.

This cloud app is specifically designed for requirements of a Medical Store, Pharmacy and has all billing, accounts functions for managing the business.

This cloud app is specifically designed for requirements of a Industry, Manufacturing, Processing Unit and has all billing, accounts functions for managing the business.

This cloud app is specifically designed for requirements of a Motor Cycle, Car, Tractor Dealer and has all billing, accounts functions for managing the business.

This cloud app is specifically designed for requirements of a Newspaper, Magazine, E-Publication and has all billing, accounts functions for managing the business.

This cloud app is specifically designed for requirements of a Commission Agent, Mandi Agent and has all billing, accounts functions for managing the business.

BusinessClouds.in - Customized Business App on Cloud for petrol pump, hotel, hospital, billing, accounting, industry, medical store, auto dealer, newspaper, commission / mandi agents is available here. Download Android APK file for your business from hitechcloud.today. Type this web address in your mobile browser to download and install Android setup file for mobile.

You can Host this web application on cloudone.Today on sub domain of your choice. Get Your Own Sub Domain free like YourBusiness . CloudOne.Today. Check Availability of sub domain of your choice. Enter your sub domain here.


You can select one of the hosting plans below. We install the app and database on your subdomain and we will fully manage the sub domain hosting account.

  • Basic
  • 1 Sub domain
  • 1 MS SQL Server Database
  • 1 Company
  • One Time Setup Charges 250/- 20,000/-
  • Subscription $ 10 / month
  • Subscription In India 1,000/- per month
  • 10 GB Storage
  • 1 Email
  • 1 GB Bandwidth
  • Unlimited Support for App Server and SQL Server
  • Exclusive Database and App not shared by anyone else.
  • Password Protection for App and Database.
  • Sign Up
  • Professional
  • 2 Sub domains
  • 2 MS SQL Server Databases
  • 2 Company
  • One Time Setup Charges 500/- 40,000/-
  • Subscription $ 20 / month
  • Subscription In India 2,000/- per month
  • 20 GB Storage
  • 2 Emails
  • 2 GB Bandwidth
  • Unlimited Support for App Server and SQL Server
  • Exclusive Database and App not shared by anyone else.
  • Password Protection for App and Database.
  • Sign Up
  • Premium
  • 5 Sub domains
  • 5 MS SQL Server Databases
  • 5 Company
  • One Time Setup Charges 1,250/- 1,00,000/-
  • Subscription $ 50 / month
  • Subscription In India 5000/- per month
  • 50 GB Storage
  • 5 Emails
  • 5 GB Bandwidth
  • Unlimited Support for App Server and SQL Server
  • Exclusive Database and App not shared by anyone else.
  • Password Protection for App and Database.
  • Sign Up

Also Available Offline Business Management Software

 Quality is never an accident. It is always a result of intelligent efforts. 

Web App on cloud for management, billing, accounting for your business niche like shop, hotel, hospital, petrol pump, medical store and many more.
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www.BusinessClouds.in - Customized Business App on Cloud for petrol pump, hotel, hospital, Billing & POS, Accounting, Medical Store POS, Industry, Automobile / Bike Dealer, Newspaper, Comission / Mandi Agents is available here. See Features of the Cloud App:

This app is Mobile Friendly and runs fully on mobile.
This app is PC Friendly and run from PC full size screen too.
Fully responsive App Page design so that it fill all size screens on your mobile or PC.
This app does not store any data files or database on your mobile or PC.
The data files and the app are running on cloud server.
Your mobile is just accessing the app and database on cloud server.
The app is not using storage. Mobile CPU is not doing any intensive local processing.
The results are fetched by app after processing on web and are displayed on your Mobile / PC.
The app is hosted on web on sub domain at cloudone.Today on your own hosting space that is fully managed by the provider BusinessClouds.in. Full Supoort provided.
You can Host this web application on cloudone.Today on your subdomain like yourname.CloudOne.Today.

Contact Us Now

Whatsapp +91 881 909 8636  
Mobile +91 808 566 8355   
Phone +91 755 356 0760  
Phone +91 626 217 1175  
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HiTech Computer Services
A-65, Sarv Dharma, Kolar Road,
Bhopal 462042 India

  Visit Our Web Portal for Business

Online Web / Cloud based Business Niche Websites
BusinessClouds.In, Home for Business Cloud Apps, CloudOne.Today for your own web / cloud app hosting, HiTechCloud.Today for Web / Cloud App for various business niche, PetrolPumpCloudApp.Com Web / Cloud for petrol pump, IndustryCloudApp.Com for industry, HospitalCloudApp.Com for hotel, AutoDealerCloudapp.Com for Auto, Motorcycle Dealer, BrokerCloudApp.Com for Broker / Agent, NewsPaperCloudApp.Com for Newspaper, BillingCloudApp.Com for Billing, AccountingCloudApp.Com for Accounting, MedicalStoreCloudApp.Com for Medical Store, HotelCloudApp.In for Hotel business niche.
Offline Windows PC / LAN based Business Niche Websites
GSTAccountingSoftware.Today for GST Software India, AccountingSoftwareDownload.Com for Accounting Software Download, HiTechSoftware.Today for Business Software, HiTechComputer.Today for Computer Devices Software , FreeAccounting.In for Free Accounting Software,
Our Software are available for India (GST Version) and International (VAT ersion) Users. It is endeavour of our 30+ years business to reach you on internet with quality products through diversified terms so that we can traget all the business niche like Industry, Hotel, Hospital, Petrol Pump, Auto Dealer, Newspaper, Broker / Agent, Medical Store, Billing, Accounting we cater to as you shall discover on this website.


Welcome to Business Clouds Home

Web App on cloud for management, billing, accounting for your business niche like shop, hotel, hospital, petrol pump, medical store and many more.
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